
Monday, June 29, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday (click to enlarge)

Map to Sharpe Family Reunion Breakfast 10:00 am Saturday June 27

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Breakfast at Four Winds

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Sharpe Family Reunion
Saturday, June 27th 2009


10:00 breakfast at Four Winds Café
(We ill be the only guests at the restaurant.
They are closing to the public to accommodate
Our group)
After breakfast head out to Alan & Florentina's place in Pleasant Garden.

Local families please bring your contribution of:
1. one gallon of beverage
2. a dessert of some kind

12:00 noon - meet on the deck for
distribution of Sharpe tickets for door prizes.
One ticket - just for being here this year!
Plus - how long have you been a part of the Sharpe Family? ( by marriage or by birth)
You get one ticket for every 5 years you've been a part of the Sharpe Family.............
0-5 years = 1 ticket
6-10 years = 2 tickets
11 - 15 years = 3 tickets
16 - 20 years = 4 tickets
21 - 25 years = 5 tickets
26 - 30 years = 6 tickets
31 - 35 years = 7 tickets
36 - 40 years = 8 tickets
41 - 45 years = 9 tickets
46 - 50 years = 10 tickets
51 - 55 years = 11 tickets
56 - 60 years = 12 tickets
61 - 65 years = 13 tickets
66 - 70 years = 14 tickets
71 - 75 years = 15 tickets
76 - 80 years = 16 tickets
81 - 85 years = 17 tickets
86 - 90 years = 18 tickets
Examine all the door prizes and choose the one/s you want, and place your ticket/s in the corresponding box/es. For instance, if you have no use for the mountain bike, don’t waste your sharpe tickets in the drawing for it – just put them all in for the notebook computer instead. (actual prizes may differ, not valid where prohibited by law, void in California, New Jersey and Florida…but you get the idea)
Drawings will be at 3:30.

Weekend expenses will be totaled and divided by the number of people age 10-99.
double digit ages pay (age 10 - 99)
single digit and tripple digit ages are free (age 0-9 and over 100)

12:00 noon - meet on the deck for
distribution of Sharpe tickets for door prizes.

12:15 the games begin - Beth and Kellen have some games planned for the afternoon.
participation is optional, fun is mandatory.

unscheduled afternoon activities include: volleyball, croquet, bocce, golf cart tours, walks to the lake, lemonade & naps. (NO smoothies this year, unless someone wants to volunteer. Amy is too pooped. If you are interested in being the smoothie man or woman in charge smoothie operation & clean up please send an email to sharpefamilyreunion@gmail.com)

2:00 water balloon volleyball

3:30 Freshen up and meet on the deck for Prizes, pictures & Dinner
drawing for door prizes
group photo (immediately following prizes)
Dinner (immediately following group photo)
SPECIAL NOTE: In an effort to make the group photo as painless as possible, we beg you to let one camera take the pics and everyone can get a CD of pictures or order pictures online

6:00 Croquet tournament – sign up before dinner if you are interested.

Catfish Fishing contest - (in the little pond in front of Ed & Libby's house) see how big a catfish you can catch. Rules for the contest are at the pond.

The catfish fishing contest winner will be announced at 8:00.

Bingo at sunset - gather around the deck for some twilight fun.
There will be prizes!!!

9:30 Sunday Morning continental breakfast
Meet on the deck for pancakes, muffins, fruit, coffee & juice.

10:30 Church outside on the deck

lunch after church meeting


About Me

we're just 3 sisters, unrelated, depending on each other to pull and push and squeeze the details of this reunion into something that most everybody will enjoy at least something about.
