Sharpe Family Reunion
Saturday June 11th, 2011 at Alan & Florentina’s house.
if you need directions email
This year we are simplifying the reunion with less “schedule”
Friday night cover dish dinner at Vallie & Garry’s house. Come if you can.
Come early, come late -we’ll eat at 7:00. Be sure to bring enough food for your family. Drinks will be provided.
Saturday June 11th, 2011 at Alan & Florentina’s house.
if you need directions email
This year we are simplifying the reunion with less “schedule”
Friday night cover dish dinner at Vallie & Garry’s house. Come if you can.
Come early, come late -we’ll eat at 7:00. Be sure to bring enough food for your family. Drinks will be provided.
UPDATE: ICE CREAM SUNDAES will be provided by Vallie & Garry Friday night - so no need to bring a dessert-just bring enough entree/side dishes for your own family.
Saturday: Come to Alan & Florentina’s anytime 10:30 or after.
The fun starts when ever you arrive.
The main event - if you can only be here for one thing - make it this one thing!
2:00 Pictures & Dinner - meet on the deck
group photo (as soon as everyone is gathered on the deck steps)
Dinner (immediately following group photo)
SPECIAL NOTE: In an effort to make the group photo as painless as possible, we beg you to let one camera take the pics and everyone can get a CD of pictures or order pictures online
1st generationers will be providing our scrumptious after dinner desserts this year.
other Local families please bring your contribution of:
1. one gallon of your favorite soft drink (Tea, water & crystal light lemonade will be provided)
2. snacks for the afternoon/evening
3. please bring any games you’d like to play (instead of designating one person to organize games we’re relying on everybody to pitch in and bring some fun)
Breakfast - do as you please. If you’d like to go to Golden Coral or Cracker Barrel, or eat a bowl of cereal at home, then please feel free to do so. But if you’d like a simple country breakfast of biscuits, scrambled eggs, bacon , grits, juice & coffee - Alan and Florentina have offered to provide this at their house at 10:30 for anyone who wants to come. If you want to go to breakfast at Alan & Florentina’s house at 10:30 Just let them know if you are coming so they know how many to eggs to scramble.
Catfish Fishing contest - (in the little pond in front of Ed & Libby's house) see how big a catfish you can catch. Rules for the contest are at the pond. Contest starts after breakfast and ends at 8:00 pm.
Reunion expenses will be totaled and divided by the number of people age 10-99.
double digit ages pay (age 10 - 99)
single digit and triple digit ages are free (age 0-9 and 100+)
Sunday: 10:00 Church morning worship service will be in the yard at Aunt Frances’ house. If you have an extra lawn chair, bring it with you.
9:30 Aunt Frances has volunteered to provide bagels, doughnuts, coffee & juice - She just asks that you let her know if you will be coming for breakfast so she’ll know how many to plan for.
Saturday: Come to Alan & Florentina’s anytime 10:30 or after.
The fun starts when ever you arrive.
The main event - if you can only be here for one thing - make it this one thing!
2:00 Pictures & Dinner - meet on the deck
group photo (as soon as everyone is gathered on the deck steps)
Dinner (immediately following group photo)
SPECIAL NOTE: In an effort to make the group photo as painless as possible, we beg you to let one camera take the pics and everyone can get a CD of pictures or order pictures online
1st generationers will be providing our scrumptious after dinner desserts this year.
other Local families please bring your contribution of:
1. one gallon of your favorite soft drink (Tea, water & crystal light lemonade will be provided)
2. snacks for the afternoon/evening
3. please bring any games you’d like to play (instead of designating one person to organize games we’re relying on everybody to pitch in and bring some fun)
Breakfast - do as you please. If you’d like to go to Golden Coral or Cracker Barrel, or eat a bowl of cereal at home, then please feel free to do so. But if you’d like a simple country breakfast of biscuits, scrambled eggs, bacon , grits, juice & coffee - Alan and Florentina have offered to provide this at their house at 10:30 for anyone who wants to come. If you want to go to breakfast at Alan & Florentina’s house at 10:30 Just let them know if you are coming so they know how many to eggs to scramble.
Catfish Fishing contest - (in the little pond in front of Ed & Libby's house) see how big a catfish you can catch. Rules for the contest are at the pond. Contest starts after breakfast and ends at 8:00 pm.
Reunion expenses will be totaled and divided by the number of people age 10-99.
double digit ages pay (age 10 - 99)
single digit and triple digit ages are free (age 0-9 and 100+)
Sunday: 10:00 Church morning worship service will be in the yard at Aunt Frances’ house. If you have an extra lawn chair, bring it with you.
9:30 Aunt Frances has volunteered to provide bagels, doughnuts, coffee & juice - She just asks that you let her know if you will be coming for breakfast so she’ll know how many to plan for.